Project Name

Wayleave Village Electrification Scheme (WVES)
  • Client : TANESCO
  • Category : Energy
  • Location : Songo Songo, Kilwa, Kibiti, Ikwiriri and Utete

Project Name

Short description of the project:

As part of mitigation measures for Songo Songo Gas Development Project, four settlements along the gas pipeline Wayleave will be provided with electricity generated using Songo Songo gas. The settlements are Bungu, Kibiti, Ikwiriri and Utete.

The Project included the following  Major Components:

  • Somanga Power House Building and Staff Quarters
  • An 8MW gas powered generation plant at Somanga Village
  • 225km of 33kV overhead lines from Singino to Bungu Village
  • 25 Substation transformers of sizes from 50kVA to 1000kVA, 33/11/0.4 kV in 10 townships and Mchukwi Hospital
  • Low Voltage lines using ABC cables and service line connection for the paid-up applicants
  • Songosongo police post, staff houses, recreation centre and solar street lights.


NORPLAN was involved as main consultants from inception, engineering design, preparation of tender documents, construction supervision and testing & commissioning of the installed facilities and infrastructure. NORPLAN has also carried out environmental impact assessment as well as institutional setup.