Project Name
- Client : Twiga Cement Company Ltd
- Category : Industrial
- Location : Dar es Salaam in Tanzania
Project Name
Short description of the project:
Twiga Cement implemented a project comprised of construction of a full new cement production line which consists of structural buildings and other structure related buildings. The line comprised of clinker production, clinker storage, cement grinding and packing &loading structures.
Individual constructed structures included crusher with sieving system, clinker silo, clinker transport system, cement transport system, lubrication system, cooling water system, raw mill, additives preparation, packing plant and loading bay.
All of the constructed structures comprised of reinforced concrete sub-structure with superstructure of steel except for clinker silo which was full of concrete. Clinker and cement transport system are of belt conveyor types.
Other related buildings constructed are electrical room, oil storage tank, generator house. There was also a construction and installation of dedusting systems (mainly of bag filter types), screw conveyor, air-slides system, bucket elevators, auxiliary hot gas generator, flow meters , high efficiency separator , belt weigh feeders, apron feeders, feed hoppers and pan-conveyor.
NORPLAN Tanzania has been involved in the provision of the supervision services from the commencement date up to the commissioning stage.
NORPLAN was also involved in design of ancillary structures (like packing pavement), environmental assessment and preparation of the topography survey as requested by the Client.