Project Name
- Client : Morogoro Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (MORUWASA)
- Category : Environmental, Social, Health and Safety
- Location : Morogoro
Project Name
Short Descriptions of the project.
The proposed project involves the elevation of Mindu Dam by 2.5 meters to 509.5 meters above sea level at the spillway level, accompanied by regular dredging operations. This aims to ensure a live volume sufficient to meet at least 95% of Morogoro Municipality’s water demand in the worst-case scenario. Positioned upstream of Morogoro Town on the Ngerengere River, approximately 6km away, the dam is strategically located. The catchment area draining into Mindu Dam spans 303 km², characterized by morphological features such as the highest point in the Uluguru Mountains at 2000 masl on the southeast side and the lowest point at the Mindu Dam site, at 500 masl. Environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA) were conducted to evaluate the consequences of dam raising, while a valuation and resettlement (RAP) study was undertaken to identify affected individuals and determine appropriate accommodations in line with Tanzanian policies.
Service provided in this assignment included the following:
- Recruitment and Training of enumerators
- Reconnaissance field visit
- Pilot testing of data collection tools
- Socio economic surveys
- Stakeholder Consultation and Engagement
- Description of the Social, Environment, and Health Baseline
- Impact Identification and Assessment including Cumulative Impacts
- Evaluation of Mitigation Measures
- Analysis of project alternatives
- Preparation of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
- Preparation of the draft and final Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)