Project Name

Consultancy Services to Undertake the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for NID System Expansion Project (Phase II) in Tanzania.
  • Client : National Identification Authority (NIDA).
  • Category : Environmental, Social, Health and Safety
  • Location : Zanzibar

Project Name

Short description of the project:

The phase II project aims to construct Integrated ICT Operation Centre (IOC), ICT Service Centre (ISC), and 31 Regional Registration Offices (RRO). The proposed project involves consultancy services for conducting ESIA in 33 sites (of the NIDA buildings planned for construction) that are located in different Districts throughout the Country Tanzania.


Service provided in this assignment included the following:

  • Recruitment and Training of enumerators
  • Reconnaissance field visit
  • Pilot testing of data collection tools
  • Socio economic surveys
  • Stakeholder Consultation and Engagement
  • Description of the Social, Environment, and Health Baseline
  • Impact Identification and Assessment including Cumulative Impacts
  • Evaluation of Mitigation Measures
  • Analysis of project alternatives
  • Preparation of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
  • Preparation of the draft and final Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)