Project Name
- Client : TARURA-Kigoma
- Category : Environmental, Social, Health and Safety
- Location : Kigoma
Project Name
Short Description of the projects.
The Kasulu – Kabanga – Mwanga – Kasumo – Muyama Road (35km) is a District collector road located in Kasulu Town Council in Kigoma region. The road starts at Kasulu TC and ends up to Buhigwe DC. The road traverses five wards of Kasulu TC and Buhigwe DC respectively; namely (Kimobwa, Msambara, Mganza, Kajana and Muyama) with 10 streets (Muruvumu A, Muruvumu B, Boma, Kabanga, Mlinda, Masanza, Mwanga B, Kalambi, Kibumba and Nyangege) and 4 villages of (Kajana, Muyama, Kerege and Nyanga Village); the road mainly crosses human settlements, farms and timber (Eucalyptus trees) plantations. This project involves ESIA and RAP for upgrading the Kasulu – Kabanga – Mwanga – Kasumo – Muyama Road (35km) into bitumen standard.
Service provided in this assignment included the following:
- Recruitment and Training of enumerators
- Reconnaissance field visit
- Pilot testing of data collection tools
- Socio economic surveys
- Stakeholder Consultation and Engagement
- Description of the Social, Environment, and Health Baseline
- Impact Identification and Assessment including Cumulative Impacts
- Evaluation of Mitigation Measures
- Analysis of project alternatives
- Preparation of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
- Preparation of the draft and final Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
- Community Engagement
- Baseline Surveys
- Resettlement Planning
- Legal and Regulatory Compliance
- Land Acquisition and Compensation
- Resettlement Assistance
- Livelihood Restoration
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Capacity Building
- Reporting and Documentation.