Project Name

Consultancy service for detailed Engineering design and preparation of tender document and supervision of works for construction of laboratory Complex at Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC), Njiro - Arusha.
  • Client : Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC)
  • Category : Buildings
  • Location : Arusha, Tanzania

Project Name

Short description of the project:

The objective of this project is to undertake construction of Nuclear Analytical Laboratory Complex at Njiro Area in Arusha City. The project is intended to improve the performance of TAEC through establishment of well-equipped and appropriate laboratories to ensure proper provision of regulatory and radiation protection services; and to efficiently co-ordinate, facilitate or advise on the safe transfer and peaceful utilization of nuclear technology and atomic energy. It will also support universities, research centers, mineral processing, and industrial applications in the region

The service provided in this assignment included the following:

  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
  • Detailed Engineering Designs
  • Construction Supervision.