Project Name
- Client : The President’s Office
- Category : Geotechnical
- Location : Morogoro, Songea, Sumbawanga, Mbeya
Project Name
Short Description.
The President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Development (PO-RALG) on behalf of The Government of Tanzania (GoT) has engaged NORPLAN Tanzania Ltd. (Lead) in Joint Venture with Técnica y Proyectos, S.A. (TYPSA) (JV Partner) in Association with Urban Solution Ltd. (Sub-Consultant) that has International Best Practice Experience in Infrastructure Engineering and Urban Planning to prepare Feasibility Studies, Urban Design, Detailed Engineering Designs, Environmental and Social Instruments, and Bidding Documents for Feasibility Study, Urban Design, Detailed Engineering Design, Environmental and Social Due Diligence, Preparation of Cost Estimates and Bidding Documents for Urban Infrastructure Investments for Morogoro, Songea, Sumbawanga and Mbeya Councils (TACTIC ZONE 3).
Service provided in this assignment included the following.
- Rotary Drilling of boreholes; rotary core drilling with continuous core recovery in soil and/or rock
- Standard penetration testing (SPT) and collection of Shelby Tube samples in boreholes
- Excavation of trial pits up to 3 m depth
- Dynamic probing super heavy test (DPSH)
- Soil and rock sampling and logging
- Laboratory tests on soil, rock and water samples
- Analysis and Preparation of Detailed Geotechnical Report
- Laboratory tests on soil, rock and water samples